200+ Performance Review Phrases for Professionalism, Collaboration, Punctuality

Performance reviews are a common process in the workplace. The goal of this process is to provide feedback and to help employees grow and improve their performance.

In this article you will find performance review examples for the following skills:

Each section below contains positive (“Meets or Exceeds Expectations”) and negative (“Below Expectations”) examples for the skills listed above. If you are looking for more performance review examples and phrases for different skills, check our main article here: 2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List

Part 1
Collaboration and Cooperation

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He is the group leader and allocates appropriate tasks to his teammates.

✓ He has created a team that works collaboratively to finish the project much faster.

✓ He helps coworkers with their tasks even if they are outside his direct responsibility.

✓ He always assists coworkers that are having difficulty with their tasks.

✓ He takes care that every team member’s allocated task is the best one for them.

✓ He has a wide skill set and although he has some weaknesses, he always seeks help from appropriate colleagues when needed.

✓ He has built the multiple working relationships needed to get the job done.

✓ He has good relationships with all of her peers. They all assist each other when needed.

✓ He helps other employees even when not required to.

✓ The team he has created is a good example for others to follow.

✓ He promotes cooperation throughout the organization very well.

✓ He tackles all tasks he is assigned enthusiastically and also takes on additional tasks.

✓ He promotes cooperation well to ensure staff work as a team to meet deadlines.

✓ He encourages people to work together to achieve a common goal.

✓ He puts getting the job done ahead of his own interests.

✓ He works well with coworkers, staff, managers, and members of other teams.

✓ He understands clearly that to complete the projects is a team effort. He is always willing to help others when needed.

✓ He connects his staff members together well to create a team first environment.

✓ He promotes a team-centered environment.

✓ He is a proven team player.

✓ He is an asset who can effectively work with other teams and departments.

✓ He does what it takes to get the job done. He also takes on additional tasks.

✓ He ensures coworkers coordinate to meet deadlines and work effectively as a team.

✓ He encourages people to work together towards a common goal.

✓ He gives of himself to make sure the job is well done.

✓ He offers assistance willingly.

✓ He makes a positive contribution to morale.

✓ He accepts constructive criticism positively.

✓ She shows sensitivity and consideration to other people’s feelings.

✓ He creates a positive and inclusive work environment.

✓ He is a strong team player; who is humble and says that projects are the achievement of the whole team.

✓ He builds solidarity between his team members to enhance team spirit.

✓ He one of is the top staff members who cooperates well with other teams and divisions.

✓ He always tries his best to finish his tasks, even these duties do not belong to him.

✓ He unites individuals together in order to meet deadlines and efficiently perform their duties.

✓ He can be counted on to carry out assignments with careful follow-through and follow-up.

✓ He helps form alliances between his staff members and foster a team-first environment.

✓ He excels at any project he is involved due to his ability to form effective teams.

✓ He can bring disparate groups together even in the most difficult situations.

✓ He will do whatever is necessary to get the job done, even taking on extra tasks that are not his own.

Below Expectations

✗ He is not a willing team player and prefers to work individually.

15 Employee Goal Setting Examples (Smart Goals)

✗ He is unwilling to assist coworkers, even when asked.

✗ He is professional in his work but is unwilling to give advice to others.

✗ He was unwilling to give help when requested to.

✗ He does not have the necessary skills to complete the work and is unwilling to find someone who does.

✗ He has not joined the group even after being required to.

✗ He doesn’t communicate with other employees nor help when asked.

✗ He was unwilling to listen to or take on board the wealth of advice given to him.

✗ Despite being a team member, he doesn’t complete his allocated tasks.

✗ Despite numerous invitations to join the team, he prefers to work alone.

✗ He does not permit his staff to assist other departments.

✗ He does not assist others when they need it.

✗ He does not see the workplace as a team environment and prefers to go it alone.

✗ He does not provide a team-centered support environment.

✗ He cannot commit his team towards the organization’s goals.

✗ He shows himself to be a person who does not want to work with others.

✗ He does not share key information with colleagues because he fears he will be marginalized.

✗ He is known to be hot-tempered with his colleagues.

✗ He is the person least likely to offer assistance when needed.

✗ He demonstrates a desire to avoid working with others.

✗ He is very good when performing individual tasks but is weaker when required to work in a team or with coworkers.

✗ He easily takes on new tasks well but fails to communicate with and train others who may also be required to take them on.

✗ He consistently fails to be an effective team player. He needs to improve on his teamwork over the coming months.

✗ He is cautious and afraid of confrontation which leads to him being averse to taking risks.

✗ He is easily upset when not offered assistance when he feels he needs it. He does not help others.

✗ He is too focused on finding new ways to accomplish things rather than cooperating with others in a process which is already well tested and defined.

✗ He tends to complain about a lack of resources and personnel instead of making do with what he has

✗ He tends to be distant and unapproachable. His colleagues hesitate to ask him for assistance due to his standoffishness.

✗ He needs to be aware of when he should offer assistance to others at work.

✗ He displays an uncooperative attitude.

✗ He is unwilling to share his work or team responsibilities with others.

✗ He is unwilling to foster good relationships with other teams and is not open-minded.

✗ His communication is poor meaning his team meetings are rarely effective.

✗ Since being promoted to supervisor, he has been “too busy” to assist his employees when they need an extra set of hands to help. This unwillingness to offer assistance promotes a selfish work environment.

✗ She is cautious and prefers to avoid confrontation. She is unlikely to openly risk conflict this by helping someone.

Part 2
Professionalism and Commitment

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He works until the job is complete. He is very result orientated.

✓ He is self-motivated and strives to complete all his tasks on time.

✓ He is a big-picture thinker. He continually seeks to expand the horizons of the company.

✓ He has a thirst for skills and knowledge. He always challenges himself to perform tasks to the best possible standard.

✓ He strives to find new challenges that will expand his experience.

He aligns his goals with those of the company.

✓ He does not need much direction from above. He has a strong work ethic.

✓ He always anticipates problems and thinks of creative solutions in advance.

✓ He is willing and often does stay late until his goals are met.

✓ He is a perfectionist. He does not stop until he has produced excellent results.

✓ He shows significant interest in the project and he constantly generates new ideas.

✓ He dresses in a professional manner.

✓ He is always honest and reliable when working with others.

✓ He frequently motivates others in the team.

✓ He has a high level of professional knowledge of his job.

✓ He complies with the company regulations strictly.

✓ He presents himself well.

✓ He exceeds the expectations of the company.

✓ He remains calm and composed under high levels of pressure.

✓ He has a welcoming and friendly character.

✓ He stringently observes the company regulations.

✓ He maintains a polite demeanor and appearance.

26 Example Paragraphs for Performance Reviews [Positive & Negative Feedback]

✓ He fully satisfies the company’s expectations.

✓ He has the ability to remain calm under pressure.

✓ His conduct is warm and friendly.

Below Expectations

✗ He is often late for work and is unable to provide an acceptable excuse.

✗ He fails to perform his required duties.

✗ He takes excessive breaks and is reluctant to perform his duties.

✗ He often attempts to leave the workplace early.

✗ He talks excessively and this distracts himself and his colleagues. His lack of focus means that tasks take longer than they should.

✗ He is unwilling to work any overtime at all beyond his contracted 40-hour working week.

✗ He seizes any opportunity to avoid work and procrastinate. His breaks are twice as long as they should be.

✗ He fails to show any real interest in his job.

✗ He fails to ensure his work complies with the relevant quality standards.

✗ He violates the company’s internal code of ethics.

✗ He rarely complies with the applicable hygiene standards.

✗ His attitude is too informal.

✗ He fails to make any attempt to improve his performance,

✗ He is frequently late for work and dresses improperly.

✗ He is reluctant to take responsibility for self-development.

✗ He is unable to separate his work and personal life.

✗ He is dishonest when reporting statistics to deceive and confuse others.

✗ He is unable to develop performance improvement strategies.

✗ He is rarely on time and his appearance is untidy.

✗ He is reluctant to take responsibility for self-development.

Part 3
Punctuality and Attendance

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

✓ He maintains a positive outlook and this is appreciated when making decisions in difficult situations.

✓ His most special quality is his positive attitude.

✓ His positive attitude and willingness to share his positive thoughts on any situation is highly appreciated.

✓ He actively encourages his coworkers. He creates an environment that empowers mutual trust.

✓ His attitude is always appropriate. He has a positive demeanor.

✓ He thrives under pressure and brings the team together.

✓ He has a likeable and humorous character that creates a positive atmosphere.

✓ He always accentuates the positives in any situation.

✓ He has a positive attitude that clearly demonstrates her enjoyment of what she does.

✓ He arrives promptly every day.

✓ His effective leadership allows his team’s time management and attendance to be among the best in the company.

✓ His team meets many challenges in scheduling yet he ensures adequate staffing levels at all times.

✓ His performance is always reliable and he follows his work schedule well.

✓ His schedule shows no issues and his good attendance is within the standard policy.

✓ He ensures that his staff comply with their scheduled breaks and lunchtimes.

✓ His attendance and punctuality is within company guidelines.

✓ He begins each day fully refreshed and prepared for any challenges.

✓ He has paid good attention to timekeeping this year and is consistently punctual.

✓ He ensures that meetings open and end on time.

✓ He plans his time off well in advance.

✓ He is punctual and consistently arrives at meetings on time.

✓ He arrives at meetings on time and well prepared.

✓ He attained perfect attendance over the time period.

✓ He adheres to company policy when scheduling time off.

✓ He completes work according to promised deadlines.

✓ He manages his schedule well. He fully completes all tasks assigned to him for the week.

✓ He strictly ensures his staff maintain proper timekeeping. He manages his staff well to ensure they perform their duties on schedule.

✓ His schedule shows no cause for concern. He is rarely absent and follows company policy.

✓ He is reliable and has good attendance.

✓ He has good attendance and is reliable.

✓ He arrives at work punctually and ready to begin and returns from breaks on time.

✓ He sets a standard by his perfect attendance.

✓ He is the ideal employee who arrives to work and leaves on time. He also takes his breaks as per his schedule.

✓ He arrives at work every day fully prepared to tackle his responsibilities.

✓ He is reliable and there are no concerns with his attendance.

✓ He always ensures that his employees adhere to their lunch schedules and breaks.

✓ His attendance and punctuality is within company guidelines.

✓ He consistently meets all/most deadlines.

✓ He is punctual for work and meetings.

✓ He always arrives to work prepared.

Below Expectations

✗ He is generally a good member of staff but his attitude sometimes lets him down.

✗ He has an inconsistent attitude that often negatively affects the team.

✗ He has a good working relationship with his team but there are some issues with other managers that need to be resolved.

Leadership Skills: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

✗ He is very composed but he displays a poor attitude that must be improved.

✗ He frequently takes breaks after meetings in which difficult decisions were announced.

✗ He appears uninterested and detached from his work lately as if he is no longer engaged in it.

✗ It is clear that he is not satisfied with his work. He should consider the impact his attitude is having on others.

✗ He frequently presents a superior attitude toward coworkers. His demeanor is rude and unfriendly.

✗ He displays a negative outlook at times which may be damaging to the team.

✗ He follows the appropriate schedule but he is often late returning from off-site activities which negatively impacts his coworkers.

✗ He is very punctual herself but he fails to ensure that his staff are also. He needs to manage this better.

✗ His punctuality is very poor and unacceptable. He is very rarely on time.

✗ If his attendance fails to improve within 90 days, his employment will be terminated under the company’s attendance policy.

✗ He is a capable and skilled worker; however he is let down by his abysmal punctuality which must be improved.

✗ He routinely falls behind in her daily meeting schedule which then impacts the schedules of others. She should address this immediately to remove the negative impacts on others.

✗ He is often tardy for work and despite repeated warnings, does not respect the attendance policy.

✗ He has had excellent attendance for most of the year but he has frequently been absent or late for work recently. His timekeeping needs to be return to its previous reliability.

✗ Despite good attendance overall, he frequently leaves early, or takes a half day of unscheduled time off on Friday during the summer. This provides a bad impression for his coworkers and employees.

✗ He does not meet the attendance standards for punctuality.

✗ He has exceeded the maximum number of vacation days allotted.

✗ He is frequently late.

✗ He does not return communications in a timely manner.

✗ He is often late for work and, despite frequent warnings, does not follow the attendance policy.

✗ He is frequently late to work in winter because he fails to account for weather and traffic in his daily commute.

✗ Although he is mostly reliable in following his schedule, there is the occasional issue. He should try to address this.

✗ He shows a lack of respect for coworkers who have finished their shifts through his tardiness.

✗ Management has noticed that he takes longer breaks than he is allotted.

✗ He does not meet current standards for punctuality and/or attendance.

✗ He needs to work on time management.

✗ He fails to respect the time of others.

✗ He utilizes time effectively.

✗ He needs to utilize the time he is given more effectively.

✗ He Is a reliable performer and maintains a good schedule.

✗ He is unreliable and often late for work.

✗ He is often late for the beginning of his work shift and consistently tardy returning from lunch.

✗ He is continually late for work. He must improve his attendance record in order to comply with company policy.

✗ He is continually late for work and should improve this area by focusing on arriving on time each day.

✗ He often takes extended lunches and does not make up the added time in his work schedule.

✗ He took several more personal days than permitted. He was frequently absent when needed.

✗ He frequently provides excuses for his late arrival times. He is unable to account for delays such as heavy traffic in his travel time.

✗ He does not arrive on time in the morning and then leaves at his normally scheduled exit time. He needs to improve his time keeping.