for the time signal and the Radio signal icon ' ' will flash.
If the clock receives the time signal it will set automatically within 5 minutes and
the Radio signal icon will remain on the display .
If the clock does not receive the time signal it can be set manually .
Thank you for your purchase of this quality clock
T he Radio Con t rolled Mechanism fitt ed to y our clo ck has a buil t in re c ei v er whi ch
is t uned in to t he Na t ional Phy si c al Labora t or y MSF t ran s mi tt er ba s ed in Ant horn ,
Cumbria , UK.
The ad va n ta g es of using this T ec hnology are :
1. Aut oma tic all y adjus ts t he clock f or S ummer /W in t er t ime c hange s.
2. Aut oma tic preci s ion .
Aut oma tic set up - S imply inser t ba tt erie s.
T O SET THE CLOCK MANUALLY - When the radio signal icon is flashing,
Press and hold TIME button for 3 seconds, the hour digit will flash,
press / to set the hour (In 12 hour format set AM and PM time correctly).
Press TIME button
once again, the minute digits flash. Press / button to set
Then press TIME button once again, time digits change to year '2010' and flash.
Press / to set the year. .
Then press TIME button
once again, month digits flash. Press / button to set
Then press TIME button once again, date digits flash. Press / button to set date.
Press TIME button once to complete.
Press ALARM button once, the date display will change to Alarm1 digits and
hour and minute digits will flash. Then press / to set your desired alarm time.
Press ALARM button once to confirm and move to Alarm2 setting, hour and minute
digits will flash. Then press / to set your desired alarm time.
Press ALARM button once to complete.
To activate the alarm, slide ALARM1 / ALARM2 switch to ON position. When the
alarm function is turned on, the bell icons / will display.
When the alarm activates press any button (exept ‘Snooze/light’ button) to turn
off the alarm, the alarm will activate at the same time the next day, or slide
ALARM1 / ALARM2 switch to OFF position to fully shut off the alarm.
Alarm duration: 2 minutes
Press button once.
Press button to select between 12/24 hour format.
Press and hold to listen the frequence and sound level of the alarm.
The following sugg est ion may help impro ve rece ption of the MSF signal:
Che ck t ha t t he ba tt ery / ie s are new and in good condi t ion .
Che ck t ha t t he ba tt ery / ie s are in s er t ed c orre ctly .
T ry ro tat ing t he cloc k as t he in t ernal re c ei v er t ha t pic ks up t he signal is
mos t eff ec tive when it is fac ing direc t ly t owards or away f rom Ant horn .
Y our clock is guaranteed for 12 months from the date of purchase against any
faults arising from defective materials or manufacture. Damage caused through
careless handling, misuse or in transit is expressly excluded. Should this clock fail
within 12 months please return it in the first instance to your retailer .
If you have any queries, problems or do not understand any
part of these instructions please contact:
Customer Help Line (01908) 449208
Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.30pm
email for service: or visit www
Environmental Protection
Disposal of electrical & electronic equipment
Do not dispose of this product with household waste. For the proper
treatment, recovery and recycling please take this product to the
appropriate collection point. If you are unsure of where this is contact your
local authority . Improper disposal may be harmful to the environment.
Like an y re c ei v er your cloc k needs a good s ignal to wor k properl y . T he main
c ause s of recep t ion f ailure are .
At mo s pheri c and lo c al in t er f eren ces.
Int er f erence f rom ele ct ri c al equipmen t e.g. TV , compu t er s or radios .
Lo cat ion of t he clo cks in t ernal receiver wi t hin t he building .
Redu c ed local s ignal due to st eel f ramed st ruc t ure .
Out side t he normal t ransmission .
T ry moving your c lo ck to a new lo cat ion awa y f rom an y ele ct ri c al equipmen t e.g.
TV , c ompu t er or radios , and st ar t t he set up again or remo ve t he ba tt ery / ies and
inser t again aft er 5. 30pm . Due to local in t er f erence t he s ignal is st ronger be t ween
midnigh t & 5am .
Press SNOOZE/LIGHT button to light the display for a few seconds.
Press SNOOZE/LIGHT button to activate snooze during alarm, after which
will sound again approximately 5 minutes later. .
press and hold button to stop and remove the icon before setting.
Your clock will automatically adjust to the Summer/Winter time changes. Summer
time starts on the last Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October.
The summer time icon ‘DST’ will automatically appear above the display to indicate
summer time.
or call t he NPL MSF recorded me s sage on (0)20 8943 649 3
It is recommended that you replace the batteries annually even if the product is still
running. Only use 2 X AA (1.5V) Alkaline batteries in this clock. Do not mix new or
used batteries, different types or brands. Remove the batteries if the clock is stored
or not in use. Remove exausted batteries from the product.
Warning: Do not recharge non-rechargeable batteries.
Please dispose of used batteries in a responsible manner. For more information
please contact your local authority.
A soft cloth may be used to clean your clock. Do not use any corrosive cleaner or
chemical solutions on the clock. Keep the clock clean and dry to avoid any
No te : T he c lo ck will au t oma tic all y s earch f or t he t ime signal ev er y day at 2: 00am .
If it f ail s to re c eive t he t ime s ignal at 2: 00 , it will s ear ch again at 3: 00 and 4: 00am .
If t he s ignal is wea k and y our cloc k does no t se t, mo ve y our c loc k to a new loca t ion ,
pre ss and hold bu tt on f or 3 seconds to st ar t t he radio c on t rolled s ignal s earch .
TO RESET THE CLO CK - P re ss RESET bu tt on on ce.
In terr uption to the MSF signal
The Ant horn t ran s mi tt er is periodi c all y s hu t down f or sc heduled main t enance
resul t ing in no s ignal being t ran s mi tt ed . F or da tes of t he s chedule main t enan ce
v isi t www . npl . co .uk/sc ience- tec hnolog y/t ime- f requen cy/ produ cts -and-service s/t ime /